painting techniques for creative finishes

painting techniques for creative finishes

Satisfied With the Walls? Get Painting Service for Other Parts of Your Home

by Bradley Davis

When you look at the inside of your home, you may love how the walls look. Also, the paint may be in excellent condition, so it may not be necessary to do any touching up. At the same time, you may want to make some changes to the interior, especially with the coloring. An easy way to accomplish this goal is by painting parts of your home without including the walls in any project.

Built-In Furniture

If you have built-in furniture such as an entertainment center and bookshelves, you may appreciate their functionality while also getting old of their appearance. If the entertainment center has numerous cabinet doors, you can paint them to add a new look to the living room.

Going from a neutral bookshelf in white or brown and giving it a bold color such as red or yellow will have a substantial impact on the look of the room where it is located. If you have neutral wall paint colors, you should not hesitate to choose bold colors because they can work well together.

Kitchen Cabinets

Another part of your home worth changing is the kitchen cabinets. This feature almost always takes up a lot of space in kitchens, so you should expect a fresh painting to make a drastic change.

Painting is also an effective way to get rid of fingerprints and stains that have built up over time.

Molding and Trim

Alongside the walls in your home, you may have crown molding and baseboards. They may make an excellent addition by making the walls look better. But, if the paint is somewhat faded, you may not get the same kind of visual impact that you would get with a fresh paint job. This makes it worth going over the molding and trim with a fresh coat of paint to enhance the overall look.

Stair Railing

In a two-story home, the stair railing may stand out in the space with the staircase. Repainting the railing is an excellent opportunity to change and improve the space's appearance. Going from a light or medium-brown to a dark brown or even black color can create a sleek and modern look.

If you are unsure of how to change any of these features, you can ask for help from a professional painting service, such as Walls-N-All Painting, and they can give you suggestions based on their experience and the other colors in your home. Getting professional help for these painting projects will lead to the greatest results.


About Me

painting techniques for creative finishes

I have learned a lot about painting techniques that can be used to create some beautiful finishes in the home. Years ago, I tried to sponge paint the kitchen and it was a disaster that I never wanted to experience again. I decided that before I painted one more room in my home that I would take the time to learn the true techniques use to create custom finishes. If this is something that interests you, take a few moments to visit my site. Here, you will find several ideas and learn how to create the custom finishes that make a home uniquely beautiful.

