painting techniques for creative finishes

painting techniques for creative finishes

  • Signs You Need To Paint the Outside of Your Home

    When the exterior of your home needs some work, you want to hire an exterior painter to get the job done quickly and efficiently. Ideally, you should paint your home's exterior every five years or so, or at least every 10 years. Certain siding may require more frequent painting, which is something you can discuss with your exterior painter. If you paint your home's exterior, you not only make your home look better, you help preserve its siding and entire structure longer.

  • Should You Paint or Stain Your Home's Exterior?

    Painting the exterior of your home can be a necessary task, or you may choose to do it simply because you want to update the color. There are a couple of main options you have to choose from when it comes to exterior painting.  Paint and Surface Treatments Paint is one of the more popular options when it comes to painting exterior siding. It is suitable for wood, metal, and concrete fiber siding.

  • How To Paint A Shiplap Wall

    Shiplap is thick wood boards put together for a modern rustic, farmhouse, or midcentury look. Shiplap can be painted any color or way you choose. If you are using shiplap that isn't yet painted or primed, you need to paint it properly to ensure the paint adheres properly and you achieve the look you are trying for. Read on for tips to help you paint shiplap properly. Sand The Shiplap

  • 3 Tips For Improving Your Commercial Interior Paint

    If your building is beginning to look old, dated, or just boring, it may be time to rejuvenate your interior with a paint job. Taking the time to add beautiful color and design to your property will buy you several more years of enjoyment out of your office building. Painting provides an excellent opportunity to remodel and revamp your entire work space. Here are some things you should know when you need commercial interior painting services.

  • Don't Make These Exterior Painting Mistakes

    Many people worry about painting projects at their homes. Painting the exterior of your home is a big job, and you may feel like there is a lot of pressure on you to do things the "right" way. Are you unsure how to proceed with your exterior painting job? Want to avoid making some of the common mistakes that others have made? These are some things you should avoid doing along the way.

  • About Me

    painting techniques for creative finishes

    I have learned a lot about painting techniques that can be used to create some beautiful finishes in the home. Years ago, I tried to sponge paint the kitchen and it was a disaster that I never wanted to experience again. I decided that before I painted one more room in my home that I would take the time to learn the true techniques use to create custom finishes. If this is something that interests you, take a few moments to visit my site. Here, you will find several ideas and learn how to create the custom finishes that make a home uniquely beautiful.

